About Sharon Gill
School of Dance
The Sharon Gill School of Dance was established in 1990 and has produced many champions in juvenile, junior and senior level in tap, ballet, modern, lyrical, song & dance and Acro.
The school is run under both the Imperial Society of Teachers of Dance and the International Dance Teachers Association syllabi. Children can take part in classes in ballet, tap, modern, jazz, theatre craft and acrobatic dance, purely for fun, to keep fit and meet new friends.
The opportunity to sit graded exams is given to all students. (These are optional but an excellent way of monitoring and ensuring progression whilst gaining certificates and written reports given to each student by an independent visiting examiner). Should a child or their parent not wish to sit these gradings, they will not be held back...they will simply move onto the next class/grade when the teacher believes they are ready for the next level.
Students may also take part in competitions and are invited to do so discretion of the teachers at the school.
We are also available to dance at displays and charity events. To enrol your child or book us for displays and charity events, simply email the Principal on sharongilldance@hotmail.co.uk or call on 07989 306507
We pride ourselves on being an extended dance family and welcome all ages/abilities to our School. We treat every child as an individual. We aim to nurture and develop young minds and bodies in a safe environment with fully qualified teachers and experienced class helpers, whilst learning valuable lessons they can take forward though life, making memories and friends for life along the way. Dance brings people together and bonds/frienships made through dance can last an eternity. Dance is so much more than just learning the steps. Being in a learning environment teaches the young generation:
*Work Ethic
Which are all valuable lessons to take forward into adult-hood as well as developing physical and mental strength
Sharon Gill -
Sharon attended the Edith Duncan School of Dance from the age of 2 ½ until the age of 16, winning 6 Scottish Titles and numerous other awards, scholarships and trophies along the way. Sharon was also the youngest child at the time, to play the main role of Clara in the Scottish ballet's production of the nutcracker aged only seven!
Sharon continued her training at the the London College of Dance gaining a Diploma in teaching as well as her teaching qualifications in tap, ballet and modern under the ISTD and has gone on to take more and more qualifications as the years have gone by, including most recently, licentiate tap (an advanced qualification towards becoming a grades examiner). Sharon is also fully qualified in acrobatic dance, cheer, pom, and jazz under the IDTA, BCQ, ICU and Acrobatic Arts Syllabi and runs the school under these societies. Sharon recently made the top 3 in performance coach of the year at the Sports Aberdeen Awards and was also nominated as local dance teacher of the year in the heart and soul sports awards which took place last July. Having taught now for 34 years, Sharon shows no signs of stopping and continues to nurture all our pupils from tiny toots to advanced students as well as teaching our adult fitness classes.

Morgan McWilliam
(Vice Principal)

Morgan didn't really have a choice to join the School, given that she is the Principals daughter (!) however she is turning into a wonderful teacher and choreographer in her own right. Morgan can be seen teaching a large number of classes and helping out at all the others and also choreographs for our Sharon Gill School of Dance competitive Soloists/Duets and has already seen lots of her routines winning top titles, trophies and medals as well as 3 National titles at a major UK competition in London.
Morgan is fully qualified in Cheer through the BCA (British Cheer Association) and has recently added qualifications in Pom, Jazz, Hip hop and High Kick through the, ICU (International Cheer Union ) and BGU (building from the Ground up) to her ever growing CV.
We are so proud of Miss Morgan having not only been chosen to be on Team Scotland for the ICU World Cheerleading championships 2022, in Florida, but went on to win a GOLD medal with her pom team and came 8th in the world with the Senior Hip Hop team . Not only that, but we were THRILLED that Miss Morgan was chosen to COACH THE SCOTTISH NATIONAL TEAM for the brand new youth age group and led them to a SILVER medal behind the USA!!! What an achievement!.
On top of that, Miss Morgan won YOUNG COACH OF THE YEAR at the Aberdeen Sports awards 2023 for her acheivement in coaching the Youth Team Scotland to their silver medal.
Miss Morgan was made Vice Principal of the School last year and helps our Principal (and Mum!) with all aspects of running the School.
Chloe Garden

Miss Chloe has been a pupil of the Sharon Gill School of Dance since she was tiny and takes our Musical Theatre, junior tap, youth jazz, as well as our "Me and My Shadow" toddler class and our Adult Tap class. Miss Chloe also teaches our ACDC Recreational Cheer Dance class. On top of this, she still takes classes in advanced tap and jazz and up to this year , was part of our ACDC sister school senior jazz team.Chloe has now retired from competing to concentrate on her teaching, but Im sure we can persuade her to continue in our shows and displays! Chloe took 2 years away in Motherwell to gain her HNC and HND qualifications in Musical Theatre but we are delighted to have her back at our School permanatly as part of our teaching faculty. Miss Chloe has most recently gained qualifications through the BGU in lyrical, jazz and Pom as well as passing her ISTD tap teaching qualifications. Chloe also choreographs for our competition team.
Amy Stewart: BGU

Amy stewart has been a pupil at the School for many years and continues to take class at advanced level in tap, modern and jazz. Amy is a qualified hip hop coach under the BGU and continues to teach and assist in all our classes on a Saturday. Amy is also part of our ACDC sister school senior jazz ,pom and hip hop teams. Known as "Funny Amy", she is a ray of sunshine and an absolute delight to have around our Studio. Amy continues to take an interest in all aspects of the School and aims to take more qualifications in the coming year. Amy has also this year begun choreographing for and assisting our Competitive pupils for forthcoming competitions.
Claire Gulline

Miss Claire joined the school in August 2015 and has proved to be a big hit with all the pupils both young and old, encouraging and bringing out the best in imagination and fun as well as promoting strong technique in her classes.
Claire started dancing at the age of 4 taking classes in Ballet, Tap and Modern adding Jazz and Highland to her repertoire a few years later. Claire is qualified under the ISTD and has taken part in many shows at the Arts Centre and HMT in Aberdeen.
Miss Claire is our highly loved and respected teacher at our Westhill Branch on a Wednesday and on a Saturday at our town Hub Teaching Ballet, Tap, Modern, Jazz and contemporary. Her baby and pre school classes are an absolute delight with so many props and visual aids being used to enhance those little minds and bodies. Miss Claire also teaches Zumba throughout the City and is continuing to add to her qualification portfolio (most recently, passes ISTD Advanced 1 with distinction) so that she can pass on more expertise to our pupils.